Saturday, April 10, 2010

Before the voices there was music

When I was younger, I listened to music all the time. Throughout the years my taste have changed. I have liked rock, country, pop, new age, oldies, etc. I would listen to one genre for a few years, then move on.

Throughout it all my favorite has always been 70s music. Things were simpler back then. I can remember riding down the road in the green Pontiac, all 6 of us kids in the back seat. Paul and Marcus usually on the floor. We would all be singing, pretending we had microphones. It is one of those memories that just exists in my mind with all the other jumbles of things.

It is funny how an old song can come on the radio and you just know what you were doing, where you were in your life, when that song was popular. To me, songs are like a diary. You don't have to put your own words down, they just say it for you.

Lately, it seems like I can't concentrate on the music. The words are all mumbled. Youtube has been wonderful for me to find out what they are really singing. Some of the songs still have a profound message, some are just plain crap. The crap ones are the ones that I am happy to have the wrong words in my head. The extra people in there can carry a better tune than I can anymore.

Maybe I have suffered a some sort of breakdown, maybe a stroke? Maybe, just too much going on. I can't remember things like I used to. Sometimes is it scary, sometimes it is just what I have become. I used to be able to write my thoughts down so that they resembled something readable. This post, like my thoughts, started as one thing then transformed into something completely off.

Reading back over what I have put here, just goes to show my mind isn't completely together. It used to be, before those people moved into my head. There used to be music in there......