Wednesday, December 31, 2008

the end of 2008

Today Michael and I are officially old. We decided this year that we weren't going to do anything for New Year's Eve. We just don't like the crowds, stinky bars, or drunks.

So we started our afternoon with a stop at a new dog food store. Poor Joxer is allergic to every dang ingredient in 95% of dog food. The store, Elite Kibble, was supposed to be a food/groom/training facility. We walked in and thought we had hit the redneck doggy daycare. The place was filthy. An assortment of dogs running around. While I understand this, these dogs definitely hadn't participated in the training. They were friendly, but had no concept of down, don't jump. We were greeted with stares from the family that owned it.

Then Bubba decided to come "help" us. I am sorry to offend any "rednecks" who some day may read this blog, but if you are the owner of a store called "elite" put some damn pants and clean clothes on. Dang, here he comes in his combat boots, white socks, cut off sweatpants and grubby t-shirt. Holy Crap! He was a big guy. We asked him the price of the bag of food we wanted. Bubba proceeded to tell us every frikkin kind of food they had that the dog could eat. Michael, (the genius) told him we had a list of the foods he couldn't have.

Now, I know Bubba was just trying to be helpful. We both told him multiple times that we just wanted the food we asked about. He wanted to argue with me after I said we don't feed canned food. He kept telling me that it is good food and the makers say to switch dogs regularly. I finally couldn't take it anymore. I was losing my temper. I told him I worked in a vet clinic and knew what I wanted. That didn't stop him. A half hour later we finally got out of there. Needless to say, the food was $10 cheaper there, but I will drive the extra 15 mins not to have to go through that again.

Then he needed to return a shirt to Kohl's. Went in, Michael (the genius) sees the sign pointing to returns. The line was down the side of the store. Forget that. It can be returned another time.

Our big dinner out was OCB. LOL Yes, we hit the early bird/old folks hour. It was 3 pm and only old people. By 4:00 we were on our way home.

I did accomplish something. Spent a bit of my christmas bonus at my favorite place, Finished up a couple of series that were missing books. Found one for Michael even. So come next week I will have 6 new books to add to my library.

Happy New Year's to everyone!

1 comment:

alwayssomethin said...

You put a coffin in your front yard with your child in it. Who are you to be calling someone a redneck.

Please send the books my way when you are done.