Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blogging 2009

Welcome 2009!

My goal, since I refuse to make resolutions, is to write something at least 3 times a week. LOL I will also try to use one "big" word per installment. Can installment be my word for this post? That would be too easy.

I was looking at They have a daily word. Maybe I should use that one, it would at least give me something to write about.

Today's word is wanderlust.

wanderlust \WON-der-luhst\, noun:a strong desire to wander or travel

I think when I was younger I had a bit of wanderlust. While my friends and I never went far, we would just get in the car and go. Hundreds of miles at a time, but we would never leave the tri-county area. My parents could never figure out how we did that. I, now am in the same boat, Jake and Zack can put hundreds of miles and never go anywhere either.

It is nice to see they too have a bit of "WANDERLUST".

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