Saturday, January 3, 2009

When was the last time......

you were truly happy for something that happened to someone else? I can honestly say that it is today for me.

A woman I work with, who I think I can call my friend, may finally be finding some sense of being. She is just a great person, only she sometimes doesn't see it. She gives continuously and wants nothing in return. She doesn't want to owe anyone for anything. It is hard to find things to do for her. She is very independant. She is also very lonely.

Here is a very brief background. She, who will now be known as Anastasia, to protect the innocent, has worked hard all her life. She is in her mid 30s. Anastasia runs a group home for handicapped adults out of her home. Right now she only has 1 resident. She was married at one time, but to me it seemed 1 sided. Anastasia married a man who had 3 young children. They were together 12+ years. During the final year Anastasia was feeling lonely and trapped. When she decided to file for a divorce, the day her husband was to be served papers, he committed suicide.

There is so much behind story to this, just suffice it to say, she blamed herself for a very long time. It has been 3 years. She is just now paying off the funeral. So there was a constant reminder every month. Anastasia is a smart person, she knew in her head it wasn't her fault, but her heart, like all women's, kept her in that bind.

Now on to the reason for this. 16 years ago Anastasia met a man, to be called Fred from here on in. They had a one night fling. She was 20 and he was 24. She didn't see him again until 2 year ago on New Year's Eve. It was just 6 mos after her husband died. Anastasia wasn't very nice to him, actually said some rather rude things. A few days later, she regretted what she had said. But, seeing as the first time they met so briefly she didn't know his last name. She did know where he worked, and tried to find him there. She wanted to apologize. No luck.

Last year on New Year's Eve, Anastasia went to the same place to see if she would run into Fred again. No such luck. This year, she was very depressed. I knew she didn't have anything to do. I asked a friend if they were going up to Anastasia's town that night to please give her a call and see if she would meet them. They did, she did. After 2 1/2 hrs of drinking they were finally shown to their table. The tables were all crammed together, barely room to move between them.

You all know how this is going to end, but I am going to tell you anyways. Anastasia was sitting kitty corner from a girl that looked familiar to her. She just couldn't figure it out. A little bit later after they had ordered, she looked at the person seated next to her. There he was, Fred. What little bit of seredipidity brought them to the same place again? Fate, kismet??

Being just a little bit drunk, Anastasia didn't know what to do. She said she felt like a school girl with a crush on the football captain. Eating her dinner was out of the question. How was she going to approach him, even sitting next to each other, albeit the next table. Fred was finishing up and you could tell they were getting ready to leave, just waiting on their bill. What should she do, time was running out.

Using that liquid courage she had, she went and told his waitress that she was going to buy his dinner. I should have clarified earlier that girl at his table was his brother's fiance. He was flying solo. She paid for his dinner, left him a note apologizing for the way she treated him a couple years back. He received it and didn't understand. She then turned to him and explained. He invited her to go next door with them. Anastasia declined. She was sooooo nervous. Fred left.

When it was time for her to leave, the owner came over with a note. Yes, it was from Fred. He left his phone number. She called and left a message. Fred did call her back the next day and they talked for an hour.

Their lives are similar. They are both single and lonely. While I haven't told all the background, and just being lonely isn't a good reason to start a relationship, maybe this will be good for them both. If something comes of this I am truly happy for her. If anything, they both just might find themselvese with a good friend. Who couldn't use one of those.

For now, all of us at work are going to giggle like school girls and wait anxiously for each little bit Anastasia will tell us. For now I will live vicariously through her. Anastasia deserves every little bit of happiness she can find!! I wish her the best every day.

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