Monday, January 12, 2009

Wages vs Jobs

I was not really sure what to title today's rantings. My daughter called last night to tell me what a trying day she had at work. She works in a group home for at-risk teens. She is going to school for family studies, so this is in her framework.

I understand client/worker confidentiality. I also understand the need to vent to your mother. While I will not tell you about her teens, but will tell you sometimes it gets a little scary. There have been threats made against her multiple times. But, she stands her ground. My daughter is a spitfire!!

Here is my problem with it. Her wage is $8.50 an hour. This is nothing!! The job she does is not a little, low end job. I feel she needs to be paid for what she does. This isn't McDonald's. My son is overpaid at $8.00 working in our vet clinic cleaning kennels if you go by the standard that she is getting paid. This is crazy. They are getting qualified college students to run these homes.

Ugh, what is a mother to do?!

1 comment:

alwayssomethin said...

I know. I almost choked when she told me what she made.

Our receptionist plays computer games all day and make about $25/hour.