Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fruit snacks and potty

It has been 16 yrs since we had a 2 yr old in the house on a regular basis. Gavin will be 2 at the end of this month. It just amazes me at some of the things he says and does.

First, I don't remember my kids being so articulate. Words are just flying out of his mouth. Milk, juice, dogs, Joxer, Izzi, (the dogs), Papa, Gramma, Aunt Ma'ams, Gabby, Zeke, Brennan, Drew, Jake, Jacob, Zack, you get the picture. He is making sentences all the time. "Go to Mc Nonno's in Papa's truck" He has never been to McDonald's in the truck before, but he knows Papa has one and that will get him there.

His newest game is hide-n-seek. His favorite place is the pantry in the kitchen. He will hide in there, poke his head out and yell, hide in the closet Papa. I am not sure who will be coming out of the closet, Gavin or his Papa.

He is giggling, dancing, singing more and more. He loves movie soundtracks. Right now he is stuck on Mamma Mia. Every time we get in the car, he yells Mamma Mia. He also likes, Turning Japanese.

Papa hid a box of fruit snacks in our bedroom closet. We are in the process of trying to potty train him. Gavin not Papa, even though sometimes I think Papa needs a refresher course. That is why he cleans the bathroom, but that is another day and time. When Gavin would go he would get to go take a bag out of the box. Well, he figured out that he could just open the closet door himself now and would come out with a few packages at time. Papa finally got smart and moved them to the top shelf.

One day Gavin came up to me, grabbed my hand, and said potty Gramma. So he is pulling me down hallway, we passed the bathroom. I asked him if he had to go, he said no. He continued pulling me into our bedroom, into our bathroom and said potty Gramma. I said I didn't have to go. He just smiled and said Fruit Snack now please.

He is soooo smart, or maybe I am biased.

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