Friday, January 9, 2009

Blog remodeling

After wandering around and looking at other blogs, I need a blog remodel. There are a lot of cool things that can be done. Some of them I have seen are works of art in themselves. Maybe I will give my sister free reign over it and let her do it.

Also, thanks Chris for following my blog. I hope it doesn't put you to sleep. It is really a chopped mess. Somedays I have some profound posts (at least they sound good to me), other times, not so much. I don't know how many of them you read. Could you tell me how you came upon it? I enjoyed reading your posts at your sites.


alwayssomethin said...

I would love to I am getting better all the time.

Chris said...

Hi Patti, I found your blog through a mutual blog that we follow, "Organized Doodles". At the bottom of Worth a Thousand Words there is a link to Blogger Templates. They have a lot of cool templates there. I also have a two year old who is absolutely, out of this world, crazy. She too, is at the bottom of Worth a Thousand Words. Anyway, it's nice to meet you!