Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Books, Reading, Escaping

Reading for me has always been an escape. I don't remember if I was an early reader, but I do remember going to the library and checking out books as early as 3rd grade. Through out elementary school I read all the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books. They were these wonderful mysteries that I would put myself into. There were many times I imagined myself being Nancy and solving all these crimes. I read every single book in both series that they carried at our local library. I would check out 2 -3 books every couple of weeks.

We didn't live close to the library. At the end of 4th grade we moved across town. Finally, I was able to ride my bike to this wonderful place. I would spend hours and bring home book after book. As I got older reading just stayed with me. Throughout junior high my interests changed and I can't remember when I stopped reading the "childish" books. I do remember in a few classes in junior, hiding whatever book I was reading inside my school book so I could read during class. Everday I couldn't wait to get to study hall to finish the book.

In high school and after graduation I found myself reading those cheesy "romance" books. The ones with the long haired, big boobed women with a pirate, indian, soldier, etc on the covers. The were mindless reads. They all had the same premise. I then imagined myself as being that damsel in distress and being rescued.

That phase lasted years, probably until I went back to college. Some where along the way I grew up and so did my reading tastes. I started reading true crime, mysteries, comedy, and even a little science fiction mystery. I have a library of my own now. It is stocked with hundreds of books. A lot of people will not reread a book. I love rereading. Many of the books in our library are from the used book stores. Ok, now I am babbling.

Reading has helped me become a better writer, speller, and punctuationist. I always thought I could be a proofreader for publishing company. Did you know you have to have a degree to be a proofreader?

This installment seems to be choppy. But being the self-proclaimed writer and reader, I can recognize this. Have a great night and read lots. Some time I will tell you about my favorite authors.

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