Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Who will it be?

Today is an important day for Americans. As a whole, we will decided who will lead our country. Ok, maybe not "we". I am not a popular person for my thoughts on this process. I DID NOT VOTE!

You didn't vote?! No, I didn't vote. It has been proven before that the popular vote does not always get the presidency. I am sure anyone from the Electoral College can update me on the reason behind it, but I don't want to hear it. A lady I work has, multiple times, explained to everyone why we use this process. We were taught about it in school. It still doesn't seem right.

I don't care that if we didn't use the "college", that CA would have billions of votes and VT only millions. That is the way it should be. A vote should count for a vote. I chose not to vote, therefore I will have no right to complain about who is our next president.

The president is a figure head. What true power does he have? He has a group of people constantly surrounding him telling him what to say, where to go, what to do. When I said this to someone, their response was "well, he gets to pick his cabinet". What he is allowed to do is nominate people, who then go through a process where they are picked apart by others, then denied. Those "others" then come up with some one they approve.

If I chose to vote, I would have "Barack'd the vote". In honor of you Ma'ams!

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