Sunday, January 25, 2009

What a crappy day!

What a crappy day at the work. I can say this because it literally was crappy. The day I get to sleep in and go into work a little later is the day Michael decides to get his butt up and ready to go early. So instead of hitting work at my regular 6:30 am, I arrived at 7:10. So much for going in at 8:00.

Wasn't too bad until everyone started dropping off their animals at once. We had a lobby full by 7:30. I started putting animals away. Then we had a cat fight in one of the cages. Two kittens had been dropped off by their owner to be spay/declawed & neuter/declawed. Well, me thinking that they arrived in the same carrier, they can be put in same cage. Nope, seems that they don't like each other. Noone told me. All of a sudden......holy hell broke loose. So off I run, get them situated in seperate cages. Put a few more dogs away for the groomer. Whew, worked up a sweat in a half hour.

Then in comes AJ, a nice fat dachsund. He needed an x-ray. So off we go to the x-ray room. Take the first x-ray. I pick him up off the table and am holding him under my arm. Sniff Sniff, I smell poop!! I turn around and asked Geri, is there poop on me. Nope, she didn't see anything. I turn back to where I had been standing, ewwww he had pooped. There was a little pile on the floor. Ugh! Geri says he is pooping. She takes him and is holding him upright, I am holding the garbage can under him. We do look like we are squeezing the crap out of him. I went to pick up the pile on the floor and bumped my smock pocket, EWWWWWWWWWWWWW he had pooped IN my pocket. Now mind you this isn't the first time a dog has actually pooped in my pocket or co-workers pockets. It seems if you hold small dogs under your arm there butts kind of sit on the top of your pocket.

The day just kept on like that. It was very busy, people, dogs, cats, kids in and out. Finally it is 4:30, only a 1/2 hour until my 4 day weekend. I can see the end. I just have to bring up one last dog.

Jake, the terrier/beagle mix with the UTI. All day they had been trying to get urine from this dog. Finally they had to stick him with a syringe to get it, he just wouldn't pee on the spoon. (Yes Michelle, that is how we get urine from most dogs, take them outside and once they start, we stick the spoon under them.) Out of the cage comes psycho Jake. He can't sit still. He chews up everything. He had chewed his collar so much that I had to really struggle to get it back on him. In the process, he peed all over the floor. Then proceeded to swish his happy little tail through it, all the while splashing the huge puddle everywhere. In my mouth, in my eyes, in my hair!!!!!! There was so much that it was dripping down my forehead. GRRRRRRRR!!!

At least the girls at work enjoyed my day!! I am just happy I don't have to go back until Tuesday.

1 comment:

alwayssomethin said...

I can't stop laughing. I thought my day stunk. Guess, not like yours.